Marine Corps League Auxiliary

Becky Marcel
Division Vice President, Southeast Division
The Marine Corps League Auxiliary began as a subsidiary to the Marine Corps League on September 4, 1937 and became incorporated as an affiliate under the District of Colombia laws on August 25, 1950. The purpose of the Auxiliary was formed for promoting interests of the United States Marine Corps, The Marine Corps League and to protect and advance the welfare of Marines and their dependents. Members of the Auxiliary participate in programs that benefit all persons in the United States of America such as volunteering at VA hospitals, Nursing Homes, Youth Programs and assisting the elderly. As well, Auxiliary members are involved with aiding veterans’ families, civic affairs, community support and programs, toys for tots and much more.

- Patriotic – Preserving the traditions and promoting the interests “of the United States Marine Corps”, maintaining true allegiance to American institutions.
- Historic – Holding sacred the history and memory of the men and women who have given their lives to this Nation; perpetuating the history of the United States Marine Corps by observing the anniversaries of historical occasions of interest to the Corps.
- Fraternal – Creating camaraderie between the Marine Corps League and Auxiliary; voluntarily aiding and assisting Marines and veterans as well as their families; decorating graves of deceased Marines whenever possible.
- Educational – Striving for passage of legislation favorable to the United States Marine Corps and the Marine Corps League and its personnel.
- Regular Members – Wives, Widows, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Daughters, Granddaughters, Stepmothers, Stepsisters, Daughters-in-Law, Aunts, Nieces, Mothers-in-Law, Sisters-in-Law of a (current or former) Marine or a US Navy FMF Corpsman or FMF Navy Chaplain, eligible to belong to the Marine Corps League, Inc., and Women Marines. Must be over 16 years of age.
- Associate Members – Women not meeting the above requirements may join as associate members. Must be over 16 years of age.